Table 17 (Page 4 of 4). IBM Core Interchange Resident Code Page Set
CPGID GCSGID Language Supported
856 986 Hebrew PC (Primary = 862)
862 992 Hebrew PC
1039 1258 GML List Symbols
259 340 Symbols, Set 7
899 340 Symbols, Set 7 ASCII
1087 1257 Symbols, Adobe
1038 1257 Symbols, Adobe ASCII
1091 1191 Symbols, Modified Set 7
1092 1191 Symbols, Modified Set 7 ASCII
363 630 Symbols, Set 8
829 909 Math Symbols
4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set (IPDS-Only)
Table 18 describes the 4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set.
1. The 3130 substitutes Times New Roman (from the IBM Core Interchange Set)
for the Times Roman fonts listed in Table 18.
2. Table 20 on page 44 describes the code pages that correspond to the Code
Page column in Table 18.
3. Prestige fonts with a Code Page ID (CPGID) of 259 are mapped to the Courier
Roman Medium Symbols font.
4. The Prestige Proportional Spaced font (FGID 164) is not supported as a
resident font.
Table 18 (Page 1 of 2). 4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set
Typeface FGID
FGID Pitch
APL 76 12 10 120 310
Boldface 159 20224 Proportional 12 120 A, B
Courier 11 10 12 144 259, A,
Courier 85 12 10 120 259, A,
Courier 223 15 9 96 A, B
Courier 254 17.1 8.5 84 A, B
Courier Bold 46 10 12 144 A, B
Courier Italic 18 10 12 144 A, B
Courier Italic 92 12 10 120 A, B
42 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide