The router accepts any printable ASCII character as part of the file name definition,
with two exceptions:
v The file name cannot begin with a numeric character
v The file name cannot contain a RETURN or LF (line feed) character.
The character string can accept a space, but it is recommended that you avoid
using a space character, as this character is invisible. Another user who tries to
enter the file name without the required space receives an error message.
Note: When using a IBM 2210 as a boot server for other routers, be sure to
include the complete path name to the load file with the add boot-entry
command on the booting router.
The following table contains the convention for filename extensions.
Table 10. Conventions for File Name Extensions
Type of File Filename Extension
Configuration .cfg
Load .ldc
IBD Considerations When Transferring a File
When transferring a file to the IBD consider the following:
v A full load may not fit into one bank of the IBD.
v Any load that needs more than one bank for storage writes only to empty,
numerically adjacent banks. For example, when storing a load too large for bank
2, the load is stored in bank 3, as long as bank 3 is empty.
v If an adjacent bank is unavailable to store a large load, a TFTP Disk Full
message appears on the console, the load is not stored, and the IBD remains
unchanged. Any portion of the load that was stored in a bank is then removed.
Validating the Configuration Load
There are two methods for validating an image before it is written into the device’s
configuration memory:
v In the first method, the device assigns an identifier, called a
Magic Number
each platform type for the image that is archived and the image that is being
restored. If the numbers do not match, the transfer is aborted and the console
displays the message Bad Magic Number.
v In the second method, the host name for the device that originally archived the
image is compared to the host name for the device that is restoring the image. If
the host names do not match, the transfer is aborted and the console displays
the message:
COPY error -
Got hostname "<hostname>" - is this okay (Yes or [NO])? no
This allows you to bring in the configuration from another device even if the
hostname does not match. The configuration needs to be correct for your model
When a transfer fails due to a lack of RAM space, the console displays an error
Using the Boot CONFIG Process
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide