Use the add command to add a PVC, Required PVC group, or destination protocol
address supported by the Frame Relay interface.
Adds a PVC to the Frame Relay interface beyond the reserved range 0
through 15. The maximum number of PVCs that can be added is
approximately 992, but the actual number of PVCs that the interface can
support depends on the throughput required for each PVC, the line speed,
the type of protocols running on the interface, and the number of local
management interface PVC information elements that can fit in the
maximum frame size.
add permanent-virtual-circuit
Circuit Number [16]?
Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]?
Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [64000]?
Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [0]?
Assign Circuit name []?
Is circuit required for interface operation [N]?
Does the circuit belong to a required PVC group [N]?
What is the group name []?
Do you want to have data compression performed [Y]?
Do you want to have data encryption performed [N]? y
Data encryption requires a key that is 16 hexadecimal characters long
You will be asked to enter the key twice for security reasons
Please enter the key for the first time now
A valid encryption key has been entered
Please confirm the key by entering it again
The encryption keys match - the key has been accepted
Circuit Number
Indicates the circuit number for this PVC.
Valid Values: 16 to 1007.
Committed Information Rate
Indicates the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR can be
either 0 or a value in the range 300 bps to 2 048 000 bps. For more
information, see “Committed Information Rate (CIR)” on page 396.
The maximum is the value of the default CIR configured for the
Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the network agrees to
deliver during a measurement interval equal to committed burst (Bc)
size / CIR seconds. The range is 300 to 2048000 bits. The
maximum value is value of the default committed burst configured
for the interface.
Configuring Frame Relay Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide