
1. While the “case” that you use for names and passwords sent to the
peer on the link are preserved for this product, interoperability with other
vendor products is easier if all names and passwords are entered in
2. Other implementations may not handle names with the same maximum
length as supported in this product. The only indication is a message
from the authenticator stating that there is a bad name. If you receive
this type of message, try shortening the routerid.
3. This command sets the name of the local router. Use the talk 6 add
ppp-user command at the Config> prompt to add each remote user to
the local data base, if you want to use the local data base to track the
remote users. The alternative is to configure the external AAA
authentication server that is described in the chapter “Using Local or
Remote Authentication” in
Using and Configuring Features
Note: The external AAA authentication server cannot be used by
set name
PPP 7 Config>set name
Enter Local Name: [ ]? newyork
Enter password again:
PPP Local Name = newyork
ncp parameters
Sets the basic operational parameters for most NCPs.
Note: Although you access this command through a particular interface,
this command will reset the parameters for all PPP interfaces.
set ncp parameters
Config tries [20]
NAK tries [10]?
Terminate tries [10]?
Retry timer (mSec) [3000]?
Config tries
Sets the number of configure-request packets sent by NCP to a
peer station to attempt to open a PPP link. The range is 1 to 100.
The default is 20.
This action indicates the desire to open an NCP connection with a
specified set of configuration options. The retry timer starts after a
configure-request packet is transmitted. This is done to guard
against packet loss.
NAK tries
Sets the number of configure-nak (nak = not acknowledged)
packets that NCP sends to a peer station while attempting to open
a PPP link. The range is 1 to 100. The default value is 10.
Upon receiving configure-request packets with some unacceptable
configuration options, NCP sends configure-nak packets. These
packets are sent to refuse the offered configuration options and to
suggest modified, acceptable values.
Configuring PPP Interfaces (Talk 6)
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide