
Appendix C. Making a Router Load File from Multiple Disks
If a software load arrives on multiple disks, use the procedure in the following
sections to combine the loads into one load file that the router can use at the time
of booting.
The first disk contains the following four files that you need if you want to fragment
an existing load for transport on multiple diskettes.
(UNIX C source file that can be compiled using a standard C compiler)
Use the following files for reassembling the load fragments onto a DOS or UNIX
kopy (UNIX shell script)
Assembling a Load File Under DOS
To assemble a load from the two diskettes, use the DOS batch file provided on
diskette 1 (KOPY.BAT) using the following syntax:
kopy <installation_drive><destination_directory>
Before assembling the load make sure that you have created a destination
directory, and that you have inserted the first diskette in the drive specified by the
installation_diskette_drive parameter. The following example illustrates this
B:\>kopy b: c:\source\cutup\tmp
B:\>copy c:\gw0/B c:\source\cutup\tmp\gw.tmp
1 file(s) copied
Please mount the second diskette
Press any key to continue...
Copying the second load file fragment
B:\>copy c:\source\cutup\tmp\gw.tmp/B + b:\gw1
c:\source\cutup\tmp\gw.tmp c:\SOURCE\CUTUP\TMP\GW.TMP
1 file(s) copied
B:\>rename c:\source\cutup\tmp\gw.tmp gw.ldc
Load file reassembly was successful
Assembling a Load File Under UNIX
To assemble a load from two UNIX diskettes, you can use the UNIX Bourne shell
script (kopy) provided on diskette 1 using the following syntax:
Before assembling the load make sure that you have created the mount and
destination directories, and that you have inserted the first diskette in the drive
specified by the installation_diskette_drive parameter. The following example
illustrates this procedure.
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