Establish circuit to learn remote protocol addresses
Specifies whether this SVC should be established when the
interface comes up to learn the protocol addresses of the adjacent
node. This option can be used in place of statically configured
destination protocol names and addresses for protocols that support
dynamic address discovery, such as IP, IPX, Appletalk2, and
DECnet IV to force the router to learn the protocol addresses
associated with the remote device via directed InARP. Using this
option may help reduce ARP broadcasts. The idle timer will be used
to disconnect the SVC once the protocol addresses are learned.
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes
Is multicast required for this circuit
Specifies whether or not this SVC should be used to transmit
multicast packets on this interface even if it means setting the SVC
up just to do so. You may use static routes to keep from requiring
multicast over SVCs so that the SVCs will not be established just to
exchange routing information.
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: Defaults according to the multicast emulation setting
at the interface level
Are call-ins allowed
Specifies whether or not a call-in from this remote DTE should be
accepted. Specifying no can be used to block call-ins from specific
users and help eliminate call-in/call-out race conditions.
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes
Compression capable
Specifies whether Frame Relay compression is supported
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes, if compression is enabled for the interface.
Otherwise, no.
Encryption capable
Specifies whether encryption is supported for this SVC.
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes, if encryption is enabled for the interface.
Otherwise, no.
Use the change permanent-virtual-circuit command to change any previous
PVCs that were added with the add permanent-virtual-circuit command.
Configuring Frame Relay Interfaces
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide