Testing the built application
Annmarie is the tester for the MVS version of the robot application. When she receives
notification that the test record is in the ready state, she tests the part changes that
were made within the release by Alex and several of his team members. The tests
complete successfully, so she accepts the test record by doing one of the following:
From the GUI, she:
1. Selects Records → Test records → Accept from the Actions pull-down menu on the
Tasks window.
2. Types 456 in the Work areas field, and selects robot_control from the Releases
field and MVS from the Environments field.
3. Selects OK.
From a command line, she issues the following command:
teamc test -accept -workarea 456 -release robot_control -env mvs
Annmarie’s test record moves to the accept state. However, work area 456 will not go
to the complete state until Tim, who is the tester for the OS/2 environment, marks his
test record.
After all test records are moved from the ready state, the work area moves to the
complete state. Because the component process includes the verifyDefect subprocess,
defect 456 moves to the verify state. A verification record for the defect is created in the
ready state.
Figure 41. Accept Test Records window
96 User’s Guide