specific document title. By using buttons on the action bar, you can choose to view the
children documents of a parent document or category, all active features, or all active
Views are available through the Navigator and the View menu.
Table 2 provides a listing of all views currently available to database users.
Table 2. Integrated database views
View Documents accessed (purpose)
All documents
To list all of the documents stored in the database.
My favorite documents
Contains documents you have placed in the folder.
Document Control To list all of the documents by their document control number.
All To list all of the user documents stored in the database.
Archiving Allows you to archive the database.
By Author To list all of the user documents stored in the database organized by author.
Hierarchy To list the user documents in the database’s hierarchy.
Review Status To list the review status of user documents in the database.
State Summary To list the states of user documents in the database.
Design Changes To list all of the design change documents in the database.
Enhancements To list all of the enhancement documents in the database.
Hierarchy To list all of the design documents in a hierarchy.
My Designs To list all of the current user’s documents.
State Summary To list the state of design documents in the database.
Final Priority To list the final and originator priority of documents in the database.
Hierarchy To list the requirements and associated features in a hierarchy.
List To list all of the requirements documents in the database.
My Requirements To list all of the current user’s requirements documents.
Originator Priority To list the originator priority of documents in the database.
State Summary To list the state of requirements in the database.
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