used in the commands is mywork. After the commands are issued, the resulting build
tree is shown using the TeamConnection GUI.
Creating a rules file
The import rules file is a text file that describes how you want TeamConnection to
create and connect parts. In this file you supply a set of rules, one per line, using the
following syntax:
file mask
The mask specifying the names of the files to which this rule applies. The *
and ? wildcards are supported. For example, you could specify file names
such as *.cbl, abc*.cpp, or foo\src\*.obj.
type The type of contents of the files to which the rule applies when they are stored
in TeamConnection as a part. Allowed values are binary, text, none, or ignore.
If you specify ignore as the file type, then all files that match the file mask are
builder The name of the TeamConnection builder to be associated with the part. The
builder is not created for you. If you specify a builder, it must exist in
TeamConnection before you run fhomigmk. A value of none means that no
builder will be associated with the part.
parser The name of the TeamConnection parser to be associated with the part. The
parser is not created for you. If you specify a parser, it must exist in
TeamConnection before you run fhomigmk. A value of none means that no
parser will be associated with the part.
How the part will be connected to other parts in TeamConnection. The
following values are allowed:
v input
v output
v dependent
v none
When none is specified, the part is not connected to another part even though
a dependency was found for the part in the make file. For example, when you
indicate none for a file mask of *.h files, the *.h files are created in
TeamConnection, but not connected to the files that include them. The value
you will use most often is input.
Where the initial content of the part can be found:
v none indicates that the part is initially created as
v directory\ indicates to concatenate with the name of the file in the makefile.
This is where the contents are expected to be found.
Appendix B. Importing makefile information into TeamConnection 237