arm.c foot obj
arm.obj optics.c (modification 12)
hand.c optics.obj (from Alex's build 12)
Next Alex must update the brain.c part to set the appropriate conditions for activating
the new zoom capability. He does not yet want to integrate his changes to optics.c for
the zoom lens with the release because they are of little value without his changes to
brain.c. Also, he is not certain that he is completely done with optics.c until he
completes the modifications to brain.c. Rather than integrate an incomplete change, he
freezes his work area by issuing the following command:
teamc workarea -freeze 1208 -release robot_control
This command takes a snapshot of the work area and its parts in their current state.
As Alex works on the brain.c module, he makes sweeping modifications to optics.c to
simplify the interface between brain.c and optics.c. Unfortunately, he realizes too late
that the simplification he is pursuing will not work. Rather than spend several hours
removing his updates to optics.c, he wants to start fresh from a copy of optics.c that
does not contain the changes for the simplification.
Alex has frozen his work area three times since beginning work on the zoom lens
integration. Also, he has done additional check-ins to his work area since his last
freeze. He cannot remember the particular version of his work area that contains the
copy of optics.c that he wants. So, he wants to see all the versions of his work area
that he has saved. He issues the following report command:
teamc report -view versionView -where "workAreaName='1208' and
releaseName='robot_control'" -stanza
This command returns a list of the versions frozen from work area 1208. The report
looks like this:
name 1208:1
workAreaName 1208
releaseName robot_control
predecessor robot_control:5
hasSuccessor yes
releaseVersion no
addDate 1995/01/11 14:30:26
freezeDate 1995/01/11 15:00:00
name 1208:2
workAreaName 1208
releaseName robot_control
predecessor 1208:1
hasSuccessor yes
releaseVersion no
addDate 1995/01/12 09:25:13
freezeDate 1995/01/12 17:15:58
name 1208:3
98 User’s Guide