Reviewing the design and resource estimates
After the resolution has been designed and the resources have been identified,
the proposal needs to be reviewed. If the review indicates that work should
continue on the defect or feature, it is accepted.
Resolving defects and implementing features
Resolving one defect or implementing one feature in one release can involve
one or more users changing many parts. To change a part, a user must check
out the part, make the changes required to resolve the problem or implement
the design change, and check the part back in. If the release follows a tracking
process, all defects or features must be associated with a work area. Parts
that are checked out refer to the work areas that are monitoring the defect or
Resolving a defect or implementing a feature also involves integrating the
changed parts with changes made for other defects and features in that
release. All changed parts are eventually integrated with the unchanged parts
within the release.
Verifying the resolution of the defect or feature
The originator uses a verification record to acknowledge that the defect or
feature was satisfactorily resolved or not. Accepting a verification record
formally closes the defect or feature. Rejecting a verification returns the defect
or feature to working state.
“Chapter 4. The states of TeamConnection objects” on page 41 explains in more detail
the various states that different TeamConnection objects can go through depending on
the process that is being followed. A diagram in this chapter shows the flow of these
states. You might want to study this information before you start to work with defects
and features.
Testing and verifying part changes
You can use TeamConnection’s build function to build your program. Before you check
in updated parts, you will probably want to verify the accuracy of your changes.
The scenarios in “Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes” on
page 51 and “Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes” on page 77
include information about testing and verifying part changes. “Part 4. Using
TeamConnection to build applications” on page 127 provides detailed information about
the build function.
Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection 39