Chapter 6. RDB and XML integration 103
To generate the XML relate files based on the Passenger List Select statement,
right-clink on the selectPassengerList statement, and select the Generate new
XML from the pop-up menu. The SQL to XML wizard opens as shown below:
Figure 6-2 The SQL to XML wizard panel
The wizard provides three options (Figure 6-2). The last Output folder is
automatically filled in if there is only one project and if that project has been
pre-selected. Other projects can be selected by clicking the Browse button.
The first option Show table columns as produces three files. To view the files, the
user has to navigate through to the Navigator view. We will compare these files
with the different options further below. Through the second option,
schema definition as,
we can opt to produce a XML Schema file, or a DTD,
or none of these.
The third option, Save query gives us the option to generate a query template file
with the name of the template file already defined from the select statement. This
name can be changed, if so desired.