Chapter 9. Developing XML Web services 213
Even the DOM transformation is fast, the DOM is memory intensive, the DOM
data which is generated dynamically as the result of Web Service (or database
query) will be better than generating from the DOM from a stream inside of the
Figure 9-23 passengerList result page
XML Web services provide a powerful new technology for integrating
heterogeneous applications over the Internet. WebSphere Application Server
provides a fully supported production-ready deployment environment for Web
services base on the Apache SOAP run-time environment. XML plays a central
role by providing a data interchange format that is independent of programming
languages, operating systems, and hardware.
WebSphere Studio Application Development is a new development environment
that supports the fully life cycle for Web services development with support for
SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, and includes a powerful suite of XML tools. Using this
environment, developers can easily transform existing components, such as
JavaBeans, EJB beans, and SQL statements, into Web services, and can
incorporate Web services into new applications.