
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All rights reserved. xi
In todays technology, XML is becoming a key piece of software infrastructure.
The main idea is extremely simple. It is a language like HTML and is text based,
but is rigidly enforced, and therefore, can be built upon easily. XML documents
may use a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema. XML was
designed to describe data and to focus on the data, unlike HTML, which was
designed to display data. It was created to structure and store data.
This book is separated into three parts:
Part one introduces the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and how it can be
used in todays technology and provides the reader with an opportunity to learn
about the processing of XML documents.
Part two contains an introduction to the concepts behind WebSphere Studio
Application Developer, and an overview of the features of the various members
of the WebSphere Studio family of tools including wizards and generators.
Part three, we provide an overview of Web Services and Enterprise JavaBeans
capabilities of Application Developer. We also develop several variations of Web
applications that works with RDB, Web Services, or Enterprise JavaBeans.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Osamu Takagiwa is an advisory IT specialist at the International Technical
Support Organization, San Jose Center. He writes extensively and teaches IBM
classes worldwide on all areas of application development. Before joining the
ITSO 1.5 years ago, Osamu worked in IBM Japan as an I/T specialist.
Deena Hassan is an IT specialist at the Cairo Technology Development Center
(CTDC) of IBM Egypt. She has experience in application development,
particularly in the e-commerce field. She holds a degree in Computer Science
from the American University in Cairo, and is about to recieve her masters
degree in the field of Artificial Neural Networks. Her areas of expertise include
Enterprise Java programming and e-commerce solutions.