
174 The XML Files: Development of XML/XSL Applications Using WebSphere Studio
The database that will be used and how to interact with it.
EJBs have been designed to provide a framework in which reusable business
logic components can be created without an understanding of the infrastructure
or a concern for where the components will be deployed. And with EJBs, it's
simple to reuse code in other applications once it's been developed to implement
part of a process. (Most business processes can be broken down into a number
of distinct parts, and some of these parts will be common to multiple
The simple answer is that EJBs are a server-side component architecture. They
enable a developer to create a component that represents a discrete,
well-defined piece of functionality. Since the interfaces to the component can be
published to other developers, the component can easily be combined with other
components to create a complete application.
In both applications wizards have been extensively used and custom code has
been kept to a minimum. The wizards, by generating the required files, pages
and code, help to jump start the development of the applications while reducing
the learning curve for the developer. They complexity of creating some of the
files is hidden behind from the developer, allowing him more time on customizing
the application.
8.5 The Customer Registration application
The Customer Registration application was developed to demonstrate
Application Developers capabilities in the JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans
area. As in any such similar system, there are always two components: The first
called Customer Registration, and the second Customer Retrieval for retrieving
information about the customer that has been registered. The data is prompted
through a Web page and stored in the database. For this application, the
database has a single table and four fields: First Name, Last Name, E-mail, and
Membership number.
8.5.1 XML in this application
XML plays a key advantage in this application. In this application, XML is used as
Generating of XML from JavaBeans through a wizard. This creates the XML
and XSL accessing JavaBeans. This produces the input and output XSL
Uses Suns Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) to produce the XML data
from the JavaBean.