294 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Programming Guide
directory is the network drive that maps to the WebSphere deployment
directory. If WebSphere Application Server is installed on the same machine
as the workbench, then the remote target directory should be the same as the
contents in the WebSphere deployment directory field.
If the remote Server is on the local machine, then C:/WebSphere/AppServer
is the directory. If the remote Server is on a remote machine, then we use the
mapped drive name for the shared directory (mapped as L:/ in our example).
The Next button is enabled only if you are creating a new server instance and
server configuration together.
9. Click
Next if you want to change the HTTP port number.
Finish to create a remote file transfer instance and a remote server
instance. These instances will reside locally on your machine. The server
instances appear in the Server Configuration view. The remote file transfer
instances appears in the Navigator view.
FTP file transfer mechanism is selected, the next page of the wizard
– In the Project folder field, type the name of the project folder where the
remote file transfer instance will reside.
– In the Remote file transfer name field, type the name of the remote file
transfer instance.
– In the Remote target director
y field, type the remote target directory where
you want your application and server configuration published. This remote
target directory points to the WebSphere deployment directory that is seen
from the workbench using the FTP client program.
If the WebSphere deployment directory is C:/WebSphere/AppServer and
your FTP server route directory is C:/, then your remote target directory is
– In the FTP URL field, type the URL that is used to access the FTP server.
– In the User login field and the User password field, type the FTP user ID
and password, which will be used to access the FTP server.
Note: To determine whether a beginning slash is required, log on to the
FTP server using a FTP client program, and then type the
command. If the results containing the default log on directory begins
with a slash, then a slash is required prior to typing the remote target
directory in the Remote target directory field.