
Perform similar volume management activities, but those products are very
sophisticated and are not included in this manual.
Before you can use DiskPart.exe commands on a hard drive disk
partition/volume, you must first list and then select the partition/volume to extend
their capacity to match the virtual hard drives created
in the SteelVine Manager
1. Open a command prompt window by clicking Start --Run, then entering "cmd"
2. At a command prompt, type diskpart.
5. Type extend
6. Type exit to quit Diskpart.exe
The volume size will be updated to reflect the expanded physical storage capacity
while maintaining all of the existing data that is stored on the volume.
3. Type list volume to display the existing volumes on
the computer.
4. Type select volume <volume_number> where “<volume_number>” is number
of the volume that you want to extend. In this case that will be “2”.