
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config cos mapping
Purpose Used to configure the CoS to port mapping method to be used on
the switch.
config cos mapping port [<portlist> | all] [none | {port_mapping
| ethernet [802.1p | mac_mapping] | ip [tos | dscp]}]
Description The config cos mapping is used to set the method of which
incoming packets will be identified for the CoS to port mapping
feature on the Switch. Identified packets will be forwarded to the
appropriate CoS queue.
<portlist> Specifies a port or range of ports to be configured.
all – Specifies all ports will be configured.
none Disable all priority-base CoS features.
port_mapping Enable port-based CoS.
ethernet Enable Ethernet frame based priority.
802.1p Enable 802.1p CoS
mac_mapping Enable MAC-based CoS.
ip Enable Ethernet frame based priority.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To configure port 1 as a CoS enabled port which uses the physical port number as its criteria for identifying packets:
DES-3028P:4# config cos mapping port 1 port_mapping
Command: config cos mapping port 1 port_mapping
show cos mapping
Purpose Used to show CoS mapping.
show cos mapping {port <portlist> }
Description The show cos mapping displays information regarding CoS
mapping enabled ports and their mapping method.
<portlist> Specifies a range of ports to be displayed. If no
parameter is specified, the all ports priority settings will be shown.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To show the CoS capability of port 1:
DES-3028P:4# show cos mapping
Command: show cos mapping
Port Port_priority Ethernet_priority IP_priority
--------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ---------------
1 off 802.1p off
2 off 802.1p off
3 off 802.1p off
4 off 802.1p off
5 off 802.1p off
6 off 802.1p off