
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
enable ssl
Purpose To enable the SSL function on the Switch.
enable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 |
Description This command will enable SSL on the Switch by implementing any one or
combination of listed ciphersuites on the Switch. Entering this command
without a parameter will enable the SSL status on the Switch. Enabling SSL
will disable the web-manager on the Switch.
Parameters ciphersuite - A security string that determines the exact cryptographic
parameters, specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an
authentication session. The user may choose any combination of the following:
The ciphersuites are enabled by default on the Switch, yet the SSL status is
disabled by default. Enabling SSL with a ciphersuite will not enable the SSL
status on the Switch.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 – This ciphersuite combines the RSA key
exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 128-bit keys and the
MD5 Hash Algorithm.
RSA_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines the
RSA key exchange, CBC Block Cipher 3DES_EDE encryption and
the SHA Hash Algorithm.
DHE_DSS_with_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA - This ciphersuite combines
the DSA Diffie Hellman key exchange, CBC Block Cipher
3DES_EDE encryption and SHA Hash Algorithm.
RSA_EXPORT_with_RC4_40_MD5 - This ciphersuite combines the
RSA Export key exchange, stream cipher RC4 encryption with 40-bit
Example usage:
To enable SSL on the Switch for all ciphersuites:
DES-3028P:4#enable ssl
Command: enable ssl
Note: Web will be disabled if SSL is enabled.
NOTE: Enabling SSL on the Switch will enable all ciphersuites. To utilize a
particular ciphersuite, the user must eliminate other ciphersuites by using
the disable ssl command along with the appropriate ciphersuites.
NOTE: Enabling the SSL function on the Switch will disable the port for
the web manager (port 80). To log on to the web based manager, the
entry of the URL must begin with https://. (ex.