DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
The IGMP Snooping commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the
following table.
Command Parameters
config igmp_snooping [<vlan_name 32> | all] {host_timeout <sec 1-16711450> | router_timeout
<sec 1-16711450> | leave_timer <sec 0-16711450> | state [enable | disable |
| fast_leave [enable | disable]}
config igmp_snooping querier [<vlan_name 32> | all] {query_interval <sec 1-65535> | max_response_time
<sec 1-25> | robustness_variable <value 1-255> |
last_member_query_interval <sec 1-25> | state [enable | disable]}
config router_ports <vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist>
config router_ports_forbidden < vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist>
enable igmp snooping forward_mcrouter_only
show igmp snooping {vlan <vlan_name 32>}
disable igmp snooping
show igmp snooping group {vlan <vlan_name 32>}
show router ports {vlan <vlan_name 32>} {static | dynamic}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config igmp_snooping
Purpose Used to configure IGMP snooping on the Switch.
config igmp_snooping [<vlan_name 32> | all] {host_timeout <sec 1-
16711450> | router_timeout <sec 1-16711450> | leave_timer <sec 0-
16711450> | state [enable | disable]} | fast_leave [enable | disable]}
Description This command allows the user to configure IGMP snooping on the Switch.
<vlan_name 32> − The name of the VLAN for which IGMP snooping is to be
host_timeout <sec 1-16711450> − Specifies the maximum amount of time a host
can be a member of a multicast group without the Switch receiving a host
membership report. The default is 260 seconds.
router_timeout <sec 1-16711450> − Specifies the maximum amount of time a
route can be a member of a multicast group without the Switch receiving a host
membership report. The default is 260 seconds.
leave_timer <sec 1-16711450> − Specifies the amount of time a Multicast address
will stay in the database before it is deleted, after it has sent out a leave group
message. An entry of zero (0) specifies an immediate deletion of the Multicast
address. The default is 2 seconds.
state [enable | disable] − Allows users to enable or disable IGMP snooping for the
specified VLAN.
fast_leave [enable | disable] – This parameter allows the user to enable the fast
leave function. Enabled, this function will allow members of a multicast group to
leave the group immediately (without the implementation of the Last Member
Query Timer) when an IGMP Leave Report Packet is received by the Switch.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage: