
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
create cpu access_profile
Used to create an access profile specifically for CPU Interface Filtering on the Switch and to
define which parts of each incoming frame’s header the Switch will examine. Masks can be
entered that will be combined with the values the Switch finds in the specified frame header
fields. Specific values for the rules are entered using the config cpu access_profile command,
create cpu access_profile <value 1-3> [ethernet {vlan | source_mac <macmask> |
destination_mac <macmask> | 802.1p | ethernet_type} | ip {vlan | source_ip_mask
<netmask> | destination_ip_mask <netmask> | dscp | [icmp {type | code} | igmp { type } |
tcp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | flag_mask [ all |
{urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin}] } | udp {src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> | dst_port_mask
<hex 0x0-0xffff>} | protocol_id_mask <hex 0x0-0xff> {user_define <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}]}|
packet_content_mask {offset_0-15 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-
0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_16-31<hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex
0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_32-47 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>
<hex 0x0-0xffffffff><hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_48-63 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>
<hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> | offset_64-79 <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-
0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff> <hex 0x0-0xffffffff>}]
The create cpu access_profile command is used to create an access profile used only for CPU
Interface Filtering. Masks can be entered that will be combined with the values the Switch finds in
the specified frame header fields. Specific values for the rules are entered using the config cpu
access_profile command, below.
ethernet Specifies that the Switch will examine the layer 2 part of each packet header.
code Specifies that the Switch will examine each frame’s ICMP Code field.
tcp Specifies that the Switch will examine each frames Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
flag_mask [ all | {urg | ack | psh | rst | syn | fin}] – Enter the appropriate flag_mask
parameter. All incoming packets have TCP port numbers contained in them as the
forwarding criterion. These numbers have flag bits associated with them which are parts of
a packet that determine what to do with the packet. The user may deny packets by denying
certain flag bits within the packets. The user may choose between all, urg (urgent), ack
(acknowledgement), psh (push), rst (reset), syn (synchronize) and fin (finish).
ip Specifies that the switch will examine the IP address in each frame’s header.
vlan Specifies that the Switch will examine the VLAN part of each packet header.
source_mac <macmask> - Specifies to examine the source MAC address mask.
destination_mac <macmask> - Specifies to examine the destination MAC address mask.
802.1p - Specifies that the Switch will examine the 802.1p priority value in the frame’s
ethernet_type Specifies that the Switch will examine the Ethernet type value in each
frame’s header.
vlan Specifies a VLAN mask.
source_ip_mask <netmask> Specifies an IP address mask for the source IP address.
destination_ip_mask <netmask> Specifies an IP address mask for the destination IP
dscp Specifies that the Switch will examine the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) field in each
frame’s header.
icmp Specifies that the Switch will examine the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
field in each frame’s header.
type Specifies that the Switch will examine each frame’s ICMP Type field.
igmp Specifies that the Switch will examine each frame’s Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) field.
type Specifies that the Switch will examine each frame’s IGMP Type field.
src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a TCP port mask for the source port.
dst_port_mask <hex 0x0-0xffff> Specifies a TCP port mask for the destination port.
udp Specifies that the switch will examine each frame’s Universal Datagram Protocol
(UDP) field.