
DES-3028 DES-3028P DES-3052 DES-3052P Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
show authen_enable
and none (no authentication necessary to access any function on
the Switch).
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display all method lists for promoting user level privileges to administrator level privileges.
DES-3028P:4#show authen_enable all
Command: show authen_enable all
Method List Name Priority Method Name Comment
---------------- -------- --------------- ------------------
Permit 1 tacacs+ Built-in Group
2 tacacs Built-in Group
3 Darren User-defined Group
4 local Keyword
default 1 tacacs+ Built-in Group
2 local Keyword
Total Entries : 2
config authen application
Purpose Used to configure various applications on the Switch for
authentication using a previously configured method list.
config authen application [console | telnet | ssh | http | all]
[login | enable] [default | method_list_name <string 15>]
Description This command is used to configure Switch configuration
applications (console, telnet, ssh, web) for login at the user level
and at the administration level (authen_enable) utilizing a
previously configured method list.
Parameters application – Choose the application to configure. The user may
choose one of the following five options to configure.
login – Use this parameter to configure an application for normal
login on the user level, using a previously configured method list.
enable - Use this parameter to configure an application for
upgrading a normal user level to administrator privileges, using a
previously configured method list.
default – Use this parameter to configure an application for user
authentication using the default method list.
method_list_name <string 15> - Use this parameter to configure
an application for user authentication using a previously
console – Choose this parameter to configure the
command line interface login method.
telnet – Choose this parameter to configure the telnet
login method.
ssh – Choose this parameter to configure the Secure
Shell login method.
http – Choose this parameter to configure the web
interface login method.
all – Choose this parameter to configure all applications
(console, telnet, ssh, web) login method.