Calibrating the Touchscreen 17
E-EQ-MX7OGWW-C MX7 User’s Guide
Calibrating the Touchscreen
If the touchscreen is not responding properly to stylus taps, you may need to recalibrate the
touchscreen. Recalibration involves tapping the center of a target. If you miss the center, keep the
stylus on the screen, slide it over the target’s center, and then lift the stylus.
If the touchscreen is not accepting taps or needs recalibration, press <Ctrl>+<Esc> to force the
Start Menu to appear.
To recalibrate the screen, select
| Settings | Control Panel | Stylus | Calibration tab.
To begin, tap the Recalibrate button on the screen with the stylus.
Figure 12 Touchscreen Recalibration
Follow the instructions on the screen and press the Enter key to save the new calibration settings
or press Esc to cancel or quit.
Entering the Multi AppLock Activation Key
If the mobile device uses LXE’s Multi AppLock to allow the user to switch between two
applications, the default Activation key is Ctrl+Spc. The key sequence switches the focus
between one application and another. Data entry affects the application running in the foreground
only. Note that the system administrator may have assigned a different key sequence to use when
switching applications.
Tap the taskbar icon to place the popup menu on screen. Tap one of the application icons in the
popup menu. The selected application is brought to the foreground while the other application
continues to run in the background. Stylus taps affect the application running in the foreground