92 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
the extension .man. For example, use \\myserver\myshare\myuser.man.
Then manually create the myuser.man folder manually in the
\\myserver\myshare directory. Places the mandatory profile for the user in
this new folder.
• User action: None.
• For more information: See the section “Creating a New Mandatory User
Profile for Windows NT 4.0.”
Updating and Changing a Roaming Profile to a
Mandatory Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 4.0 roaming User Profile that was
not upgraded from Windows NT 3.5x, and the administrator is going to man-
date that the profile be read or logon will denied.
• What currently exists: A myuser folder containing the user’s roaming
profile exists in \\myserver\myshare.
• Administrator action: Use User Manager to add the .man extension to
the User Profile path, thus changing the path to
\\myserver\myshare\myuser.man. Then, rename the existing folder that
contains the user’s roaming profile from myuser to myuser.man. Finally,
rename the NTuser.dat file, which is located in the root of the user’s profile
folder, to NTuser.man.
• User action: None.
• For more information: See the section “Making a Roaming Profile Man-
datory in Windows NT 4.0.”
Changing a Roaming Profile to a Mandatory Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 4.0 roaming User Profile that was
upgraded from Windows NT 3.5x, and the administrator is going to mandate
that the profile be read or logon will denied.
• What currently exists: A myuser.pds folder containing the user's roaming
profile exists in \\myserver\myshare.
• Administrator action: Use User Manager to change the extension of the
User Profile path to .man, changing the path to
\\myserver\myshare\myuser.man. Then rename the existing folder that
contains the user's roaming profile from myuser.pds to myuser.pdm. Fi-
nally, rename the NTuser.dat file, which is located in the root of the user's
profile folder, to NTuser.man.
• User action: None.
• For more information: See the section “Making a Roaming Profile Man-
datory in Windows NT 4.0.”