This guide provides information and procedures for implementing Microsoft®
Windows NT® 4.0 Profiles and Policies on client workstations and servers. A
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 User Profile describes the Windows NT
configuration for a specific user, including the user’s environment and
preference settings. A System Policy is a set of registry settings that together
define the computer resources available to a group of users or an individual.
With the addition of System Policies and the new User Profile structure to
Windows NT 4.0, network administrators have a greater ability to control the
user environment than they have ever had before.
This document provides the details that administrators need to know to
implement a rollout of User Profiles and System Policies under Windows NT
4.0. Although the primary emphasis is Windows NT, this paper also discusses
how User Profiles are handled with Windows 95 clients and how the two
platforms differ. You should use this guide in conjunction with your
Windows NT 4.0 documentation and Resource Kits.