58 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoEntireNetwork REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Network Neighborhood Workgroup Contents
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: No workgroup contents in Network Neighborhood
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoWorkgroupContents REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Desktop Display
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Hide all items on desktop
Description: Hides all desktop items regardless of menus, folders, and
shortcuts defined either by profiles or by other pointers in
the policy file for custom program folders, custom desk-
top icons, and so on.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoDesktop REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Start Menu Shut Down Command
Category: Windows NT Shell