60 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value Registry Data Description
DisableRegistryTools REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Windows Applications Restrictions
Category: System
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Run only allowed Windows applications
Description: Restricts the applications that the user can start through
the Explorer interface. If an application is not specified, a
dialog box is presented that states: “Restrictions: This
operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect
on this computer. Please contact your system adminis-
trator.” Be sure to include Systray.exe in the list of
allowed applications if this policy is to be enforced. Note
that users may still have the ability to start restricted ap-
plications from the command prompt if you give them
access to Cmd.exe.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
RestrictRun REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Number Increment
Starting with 1
REG_SZ Off = value is removed; On = text of applica-
tion name