74 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Shared Programs Folder Path
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Custom shared folders
Selection: Custom shared Programs folder
Description: Specifies the UNC path for the folder to use when dis-
playing folders, files, and shortcuts below the division line
(common groups) when the user selects Programs from
the Start menu.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
REG_SZ can be used if
no variables exist.)
Off = value is removed from registry;
On = text of UNC path to folder. De-
fault = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs
Shared Desktop Icons Path
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Custom shared folders
Selection: Custom shared desktop icons
Description: Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
as part of the desktop.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Common Desktop REG_EXPAND_SZ (Note:
REG_SZ can be used if
no variables exist.)
Off = value is removed from registry;
On = text of UNC path to folder.
Default = %SystemRoot%\
Profiles\All Users\Desktop.
Shared Start Menu Path
Category: Windows NT Shell