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(c) Use the following procedure to recover the system:
1) Check the CPU generating the error and cause of the error using the PC
diagnostic function of GX Developer.
2) If the error occurred in a Q173CPU(N)/Q172CPU(N) and the error code
is 10000, check the cause of the error using error list of SW6RN-
3) Remove the cause of the error.
4) Reset the PLC CPU of CPU No. 1 or restart the power.
5) Resetting the PLC CPU of CPU No. 1 or restarting the power resets all
CPUs in the Multiple CPU system and the system will be recovered.
(3) Operation at a Motion CPU error
Operations at a Motion CPU error are shown below.
Category Type of error Operation Remark
System setting error
Does not operate from the
beginning (does not run).
• All actual output PY points turn OFF.
No effect on other CPUs.
WDT error Varies depending on the error.
Self-diagnosis error Stops at a CPU DOWN error.
• All actual output PY points turn OFF.
Other CPUs may also stop depending on
the parameter setting.
disable errors
Other CPU DOWN error
Operation corresponding to
STOP (M2000 OFF). Depends
on the "Operation mode upon
CPU stop error" setting.
• All actual output PY points turn OFF.
Self-diagnosis error
Operation continues when the
continuous error occurred.
Motion SFC error
Minor error
Major error
Servo error
enable errors
Servo program setting
Processing stops for each
program or axis instead of the
Motion CPU stopping all the
• Only the applicable program stops (the
program may continue depending on the
type of error).
• Actual output PY retains output.
• No effect on other CPUs.