3 - 3
(2) Automatic refresh settings 1 (Automatic setting)
(a) When executing the automatic refresh function of shared CPU memory, set
the number of each CPU's transmitting points and devices in which data is to
be stored using Multiple CPU Settings of System Settings.
Refer to the "QCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation/Program
Fundamentals)" about the setting of the PLC CPU.
• Set the first device No. from which the
automatic refresh function is executed.
(Number of specified points are continuously
used from the device No. to be set.)
• Set the transmitting
range for each CPU.
• Select the setting No..
(b) Setting number selection/send range (refresh range) for each CPU
1) The refresh setting of four ranges can be set by setting selection.
For example, ON/OFF data may be refreshed using bit-device setting,
while other data may be refreshed using word device setting.
2) The number of points in the shared CPU memory set in units of 2 points
(2 words) is set in the range for each CPU. (2 points if word device is
specified for the CPU-side device, or 32 points if bit device is specified.)
Data of the CPUs for which "0" is set as the number of points
representing the send range of the CPU will not be refreshed.
Assume that 32 points (B0 to B1F) of CPU No.1 and 32 points (B20 to
B3F) of CPU No.2 are to be refreshed. Since one point in the shared
CPU memory corresponds to 16 bit-device points, the number of
transmitting points becomes 2 for CPU No. 1 and also 2 for CPU No. 2.
3) The maximum number of transmitting points combining all four ranges is
2k words per CPU (PLC CPU or Motion CPU) or 8k points (8k words) for
all CPUs.
• Data in CPU No.3 and 4 is not refreshed since the number of points is set to 0.
• Setting two points in shared
CPU memory and specifying
the bit device for the CPU-
side device creates 32 bit-
device points.
• 2k points (2k words)
per CPU
• 8k points (8k words)
for all CPUs
• Set in units of
2 points (2 words).