9 - 19
(1) Synchronous encoder current value changing instructions
• The current value change of the synchronous encoder is executed if
operation is being performed in the virtual mode (during pulse input from
the synchronous encoder).
If the current value is changed, the feed current value of the
synchronous encoder continues from the new value.
• The current value change of the synchronous encoder does not affect the
current value of the output module.
• Set the current value change program of the synchronous encoder shaft
program within the virtual mode program No. range set in "program mode
• When PLC ready flag (M2000) or PCPU ready flag (M9074) is OFF, a
minor error
[100] occurs and a current value change is not made.
• If a synchronous encoder current value change is executed in the real
mode, a servo program setting error
[903] or [905] occurs and the
current value change is not made. ([903] when the current value change
servo program is set to within the virtual mode program No. range, or 905
when it is set to within the real mode program No. range.)
• If a current value change is made during mode changing, a servo program
setting error
[907] (real
virtual changing) or [908] (virtual
changing) occurs and the current value change is not made.
(Note) : Refer to the "Q173CPU(N)/Q172CPU(N) Motion controller (SV13/SV22)
Programming Manual (REAL MODE)"/"Q173CPU(N)/Q172CPU(N) Motion
controller (SV22) Programming Manual (VIRTUAL MODE)" for minor error,
major error and servo program setting error.