APP - 16
(a) No.0 : Positioning device
//Each axis status M2400 to M3039
//(40 words)
//M2400 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
DIN W00L, M2400
DIN W02L, M2432
DIN W04L, M2464
DIN W06L, M2496
DIN W08L, M2528
DIN W0AL, M2560
DIN W0CL, M2592
DIN W0EL, M2624
DIN W10L, M2656
DIN W12L, M2688
DIN W14L, M2720
DIN W16L, M2752
DIN W18L, M2784
DIN W1AL, M2816
DIN W1CL, M2848
DIN W1EL, M2880
DIN W20L, M2912
DIN W22L, M2944
DIN W24L, M2976
DIN W26L, M3008
//Common devices M2000 to M2063(4 words)
//M3040 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
DIN W28L, M2000
DIN W2AL, M2032
//Special relays M9000 to M9015(1 word)
//M3104 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
DIN W2C, M9000
//Special relays M9064 to M9079(1 word)
//M3110 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
DIN W2D, M9064
Positioning device
//Each axis monitor devices
//D0000 to D0639(640 words)
//D000 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
BMOV W100, D0, K640
//Special devices D9000 to D9015(16 words)
//D640 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
//Special registers D9182 to D9197
//(16 words)
//D656 to CPU No.1 of the Qn(H)CPU
(1) Each axis status M2400 to M3039 (for 32 axes) transferred
to "W0 to".
(2) Common devices M2000 to M2064 transferred to "W28 to".
(3) Special relay M9000 to M9015 transferred to "W2C to".
Automatic refresh of the between Multiple CPU, and "W0 to" of
Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2) sets it up to have refresh by "M2400
to" of Qn(H)CPU (CPU No.1), therefore the condition of
Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2) can be grasped with Qn(H)CPU of
the CPU No.1 by monitoring the following device.
Devices of QnHCPU
(CPU No.1)
M2400 to M3039
M3040 to M3103
M3104 to M3119
Correspond with devices
of Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2)
M2400 to M3039
M2000 to M2064
M9000 to M9015
Refresh does data for 32 axes by this sample example,
number of refresh points is made a necessary minimum
corresponding to the system for processing time
(Note) :
(1) Each monitor devices D0 to D639 (for 32 axes) transferred
to "W100 to".
(2) Special register D9000 to D9015 transferred to "W380 to".
(3) Special register D9182 to M9197 transferred to "W38A to".
Automatic refresh of the between Multiple CPU, and "W100 to"
of Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2) sets it up to have refresh by "D0
to" of Qn(H)CPU (CPU No.1), therefore the condition of
Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2) can be grasped with Qn(H) CPU of
the CPU No.1 by monitoring the following device.
Devices of QnHCPU
(CPU No.1)
D0000 to D0639
D0640 to D0655
D0656 to D0671
Correspond with devices
of Q173CPU(N) (CPU No.2)
D0000 to D0630
D9000 to D9015
D9182 to D9197
Refresh does data for 32 axes by this sample example,
number of refresh points is made a necessary minimum
corresponding to the system for processing time
(Note) :