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Explanation of the request register
No. Function Bit device Request register
1 PLC ready flag M2000 D704
2 Speed switching point specified flag M2040 D705
3 All axes servo ON command M2042 D706
4 Real mode/virtual mode switching request (SV22) M2043 D707
5 JOG operation simultaneous start command M2048 D708
6 Manual pulse generator 1 enable flag M2051 D755
7 Manual pulse generator 2 enable flag M2052 D756
8 Manual pulse generator 3 enable flag M2053 D757
(Note-1) : Handling of D704 to D708 and D755 to D757 register
Because cannot be turn ON/OFF for every bit from the PLC CPU, the above
bit devices are assigned to D register, and each bit device becomes on with
the lowest rank bit 0
1 of each register, and each bit device becomes off
with 1
Use it when the above functions are requested from the PLC CPU using the
S(P).DDRD and S(P).DDWR instruction. Refer to "5 MOTION DEDICATED
PLC INSTRUCTION " for S(P).DDRD and S(P).DDWR instruction.
(Note-2) : Device area of 9 axes or more is unusable in the Q172CPU(N).
(Note-3) : The range of axis No.1 to 8 is valid in the Q172CPU(N).
(Note-4) : It can also be ordered the device of a remark column.
(Note-5) : M3080 does not turn off automatically. Turn it off as an user side.
(Note-6) : It is unusable in the SV22 real mode.
The data executed later becomes effective when the same device is executed simultaneously
in the Motion SFC and PLC program.