
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-133
v1.0, November 2010
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(switch) #show ip verify source
Interface Filter Type IP Address MAC Address Vlan
--------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- -----
0/1 ip-mac 00:02:B3:06:60:80 10
0/1 ip-mac 00:0F:FE:00:13:04 10
show ip source binding
Use this command to display the IPSG bindings.
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(switch) #show ip source binding
MAC Address IP Address Type Vlan Interface
----------------- --------------- ------------- ----- -------------
MAC Address If MAC address filtering is not configured on the interface, the MAC Address field is
empty. If port security is disabled on the interface, then the MAC Address field displays
VLAN The VLAN for the binding rule.
Format show ip source binding [{static/dynamic}] [interface unit/slot/port]
[vlan id]
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
MAC Address The MAC address for the entry that is added.
IP Address The IP address of the entry that is added.
Type Entry type; statically configured from CLI or dynamically learned from DHCP Snooping.
VLAN VLAN for the entry.
Interface IP address of the interface in unit/slot/port format.
Term Definition