ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-78
v1.0, November 2010
debug rip packet
This command turns on tracing of RIP requests and responses. This command takes no options.
The output is directed to the log file.
A sample output of the trace message is shown below.
<15> JAN 01 00:35:15 RIP[181783160]: rip_map_debug.c(96) 775 %
Pkt RX on Intf: 1/0/1(1), Src_IP: Dest_IP:
Rip_Version: RIPv2 Packet_Type:RIP_RESPONSE
ROUTE 1): Network: Mask: Metric: 1
ROUTE 2): Network: Mask: Metric: 1
ROUTE 3): Network: Mask: Metric: 1
ROUTE 4): Network: Mask: Metric: 1
ROUTE 5): Network: Mask: Metric:1
Another 6 routes present in packet not displayed.
The following parameters are displayed in the trace message:
Default disabled
Format debug rip packet
Mode Privileged EXEC
Parameter Definition
TX/RX TX refers to a packet transmitted by the device. RX refers to packets received by the
Intf The interface that the packet came in or went out on. Format used is unit/slot/port (internal
interface number). Unit is always shown as 1 for interfaces on a non-stacking device.
Src_IP The source IP address in the IP header of the packet.
Dest_IP The destination IP address in the IP header of the packet.
Rip_Version RIP version used <RIPv1 or RIPv2>.
Packet_Type Type of RIP packet. <RIP_REQUEST or RIP_RESPONSE>.
Routes Up to 5 routes in the packet are displayed in the following format:
Network: <a.b.c.d> Mask <a.b.c.d> Next_Hop <a.b.c.d> Metric <a>
The next hop is only displayed if it is different from
For RIPv1 packets, Mask is always
Number of
routes not
Only the first five routes present in the packet are included in the trace. There is another
notification of the number of additional routes present in the packet that were not included
in the trace.