
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-32
v1.0, November 2010
nvram:errorlog <url> Copies the error log file to a server.
nvram:Switch CLI.cfg <url> Uploads the binary config file to a server.
nvram:log <url> Copies the log file to a server.
<url> Copies a specified configuration script file to a server.
nvram:startup-config nvram:backup-config Copies the startup configuration to the backup
nvram:startup-config <url> Copies the startup configuration to a server.
nvram:traplog <url> Copies the trap log file to a server.
system:running-config nvram:startup-config Saves the running configuration to nvram.
<url> nvram:clibanner Downloads the CLI banner to the system.
<url> nvram:Switch CLI.cfg Downloads the binary config file to the system.
<url> nvram:script
Downloads a configuration script file to the system.
During the download of a configuration script, the copy
command validates the script. In case of any error, the
command lists all the lines at the end of the validation
process and prompts you to confirm before copying the
script file.
<url> nvram:script
<destfilename> noval
When you use this option, the copy command will not
validate the downloaded script file. An example of the
CLI command follows:
(NETGEAR Switch) #copy tftp://
file.scr nvram:script file.scr
<url> nvram:sshkey-dsa Downloads an SSH key file. For more information, see
“Secure Shell (SSH) Commands” on page 7-16.
<url> nvram:sshkey-rsa1 Downloads an SSH key file.
<url> nvram:sshkey-rsa2 Downloads an SSH key file.
<url> nvram:sslpem-dhweak Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:sslpem-dhstrong Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:sslpem-root Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate. For
more information, see “Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) Commands” on page 7-20.
<url> nvram:sslpem-server Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:startup-config Downloads the startup configuration file to the system.
<url> nvram:system-image Downloads a code image to the system.
<url> nvram:license-key Download the license date to the system.
<url> ias-users Downloads IAS users file by sftp, scp or tftp
Source Destination Description