ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-5
v1.0, November 2010
network protocol
This command specifies the network configuration protocol to be used. If you modify this value,
change is effective immediately. If you use the bootp parameter, the switch periodically sends
requests to a BootP server until a response is received. If you use the dhcp parameter, the switch
periodically sends requests to a DHCP server until a response is received. If you use the none
parameter, you must configure the network information for the switch manually.
network mac-address
This command sets locally administered MAC addresses. The following rules apply:
• Bit 6 of byte 0 (called the U/L bit) indicates whether the address is universally administered
(b'0') or locally administered (b'1').
• Bit 7 of byte 0 (called the I/G bit) indicates whether the destination address is an individual
address (b'0') or a group address (b'1').
• The second character, of the twelve character macaddr, must be 2, 6, A or E.
A locally administered address must have bit 6 On (b'1') and bit 7 Off (b'0').
network mac-type
This command specifies whether the switch uses the burned in MAC address or the locally-
administered MAC address.
Default none
Format network protocol {none | bootp | dhcp}
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format network mac-address <macaddr>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default burnedin
Format network mac-type {local | burnedin}
Mode Privileged EXEC