ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-81
v1.0, November 2010
no debug spanning-tree bpdu receive
This command disables tracing of received spanning tree BPDUs.
debug spanning-tree bpdu transmit
This command enables tracing of spanning tree BPDUs transmitted by the switch. Spanning tree
should be enabled on the device and on the interface in order to monitor packets on a particular
A sample output of the trace message is shown below.
<15> JAN 01 01:02:04 DOT1S[191096896]: dot1s_debug.c(1249) 101 %
Pkt TX - Intf: 1/0/7(7), Source_Mac: 00:11:88:4e:c2:00 Version: 3, Root_Mac:
00:11:88:4e:c2:00, Root_Priority: 0x8000 Path_Cost: 0
The following parameters are displayed in the trace message:
Format no debug spanning-tree bpdu receive
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default disabled
Format debug spanning-tree bpdu transmit
Mode Privileged EXEC
Parameter Definition
TX A packet transmitted by the device.
Intf The interface that the packet went out on. Format used is unit/port/slot (internal interface
number). Unit is always shown as 1 for interfaces on a non-stacking device.
Source_Mac Source MAC address of the packet.
Version Spanning tree protocol version (0-3). 0 refers to STP, 2 RSTP and 3 MSTP.
Root_Mac MAC address of the CIST root bridge.
Root_Priority Priority of the CIST root bridge. The value is between 0 and 61440. It is displayed in hex in
multiples of 4096.
Path_Cost External root path cost component of the BPDU.