
ETU400 User Guide 011603
ACTION Specifies the action the program is to perform.
*COPYPRT Use *COPYPRT it the data is resident on the print
queue. The command will first perform the AS/400 function
CPYSPLF and then translate that file into a PC print file
format. The micro print file should then be transferred to
the selected micro file.
*TRANSLATE use *TRANSLATE if you have already executed the
AS/400 function CPYSPLF; only the translation from the
CPYSPLF format to the micro print format needs to be done at
this time.
SPFILE Valid only on ACTION(*COPYPRT): the AS/400 file name of the
spooled output file that is to be copied to a physical file.
The file name is the name of the device file that was used by
the program to produce the spooled output file.
SPLNBR Valid only on ACTION(*COPYPRT): the number of the spooled
output file, from the job whose data records are to be
copied. In addition to the spool number, the following
entries are valid:
*LAST Copies the highest-numbered spooled output file with
the specified file name; *LAST is the default.
*ONLY Copies the spooled output file from the job, when only
one has the specified file name.
JOB Valid only on ACTION(*COPYPRT): the name of the job that
created the spooled output file whose data records are to be
copied. The default is *, indicating that the job currently
executing this command created the spooled file.
User name The name of the user who created the job.
Job number The number assigned to the job by the system.
COPYFILE Valid only on ACTION(*TRANSLATE): the AS/400 physical file
name of the user-created CPYSPLF file (the TOFILE name of the
CPYSPLF command).
Library The name of library containing the COPYFILE. *LIBL is
COPYMBR The COPYFILE member name. The default is *FILE (same name as
for the COPYFILE parameter).
CTLCHAR Valid only on ACTION (*TRANSLATE): the type of CPYSPLF file
that was created: *FCFC, *PRTCTL, or *NONE. See the AS/400
command CPYSPLF for additional information on formatting
LINES Valid only on ACTION (*TRANSLATE): the number of lines per
page on the spool entry(s) that was copied. The default is
FROM The column of the printed report on which to begin
translation. This can be used to restrict the copying of
either sensitive data, or data that has no meaning for the