
ETU400 User Guide 011603
USR9986 File transfer was interrupted: ("r" to retry or "c" to cancel)”.
Only known cause was a remote controller.
Examine the configuration options for the remote controller. Contact that vendor. Possibly reroute or
replace controller.
When I try to do a transfer, I get a message after the EMULATOR CHECK that says "USR9987
Device is not P.C. or emulator loaded incorrectly."
An ETU function has failed because of incorrect data received from the display screen. A device
other than a PC responding to an ETU command can cause this error. A PC with an emulator
program that does not support ETU can cause it. This error can also occur when using a supported
emulator and the operator presses the "Enter" key (rather than "Hot Keying" to DOS and loading the
compatibility program) when the Copyright screen is displayed.
ETU is currently only supported with NLynx/Decision Data’s ES32 emulation. There once was a
DOS Compatibility disk with a program called IBMTRAN that enabled any emulation to work. This
software only works with other DOS software using serial COM ports. It is not supported today
because the Windows Registry makes this too difficult.
If you have our ES32 emulation, make certain that ETU is enabled.
· Select the Session menu, then Properties.
· Select the API tab.
· Make certain there is a check in Enable ETU.
"USR9988 ETU encountered information not identified as part of an ETU process." This is sort
of a catchall for ETU problems not previously identified and clarified.
Using Reflection software. IBMTRAN requires 5250 emulation software. Reflection software does
VT100 emulation.
The only emulation supported today is ES32. See http://www.nlynx.com/html/products.htm. Verify
that the device is a PC with an ETU compatible emulation product running, and then retry the