
ETU400 User Guide 011603
Allocate To create a file on the microcomputer.
API Application Program Interface. The interface
(calling conventions) by which an application
program accesses operating system and other
ASCII character set American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. A standard set of characters used by
microcomputers to represent data. See also EBCDIC
character set.
BASIC sequential format *BASICS. One of four micro file formats supported
by ETU. BASIC sequential files are usually
created with database applications. Commas
separate the fields within a BASIC sequential
batch processing One of two ways of running jobs on the AS/400
(along with interactive processing). A job run in
batch is submitted to a job queue where it will
be processed when it reaches the top of the
data transfer The process of moving data between the micro and
the host with ETU.
data translation An ETU process in which data is changed from
ASCII to EBCDIC or from EBCDIC to ASCII, so that
host data can be used on the micro, and micro
data can be used on the host.
DDS Data Description Specifications. A means of
creating external file definitions on the AS/400.
With DDS, you will define each field within the
file you are defining. DDS are created using the
AS/400 facility Source Entry Utility.
DIF format *DIF. One of four micro file formats supported by
ETU. DIF files are usually created with
spreadsheet applications such as LOTUS 1-2-3.
EBCDIC character set Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A
set of characters used by IBM midrange computers
and display stations to represent data. See also
ASCII character set.
ETU Emulator Transfer Utility. AS/400 utility that
transfers files to or from 5250 emulators. The
best around.