
ETU400 User Guide 011603
Library The library containing the PCDATA file. *LIBL is the
PCMBR The PCDATA file member name. The default is *FILE.
TOFILE The qualified file name of the AS/400 file into which the
micro data is to be written.
Library The library containing the TOFILE file. *LIBL is the
TOMBR The TOFILE member name. If the member does not exist, it will
be added to the file. If it does exist, the member will first
be cleared before the current data is written. The default is
RECL The record length of the AS/400 file. It is the actual data
length. If you specify SRCSEQ(*YES), the record length used
in allocating the file is 12 greater than that supplied in
this parameter, to make room for the sequence number/date
field being added. You must specify the record length of the
file if the TOFILE file is to be created. If the file already
exists, the specified length must be 0 or must match the file
record length. Any length from 1 to 9989 is supported.
FILETYPE The type of TOFILE file to be created.
*DATA A physical file is created (the default).
*SRC A source physical file is created.
SRCSEQ Specifies whether a 12-byte source sequence number and data
field is to be written in the first 12 bytes of the record.
This allows the translated record to be read by the AS/400
Source Entry Utility (SEU). Note that SRCSEQ can be specified
even if the file is not translated, in which case
untranslated data would be sequenced. This parameter also
affects the actual record length of the file.
*NO Do not add the sequence number/date field. The
record length is equal to that specified. *NO is
the default.
*YES Add the sequence number/date field. Actual record
length is 12 greater than the specified record
TRANSLATE The type of file translation that is to occur.
*TEXT The qualified file exists in ASCII text format.
This is the default.
*DIF The qualified file exists in DIF format.
*BASICS The qualified file exists in BASIC Sequential
*TAB The qualified file exists in BASIC Sequential
format with tab characters as field delimiters.