
ETU400 User Guide 011603
CPF5149: I/O error detected in XLATIN. Using 36 commands. Customer has to end the
procedure that creates the file to be transferred before it will transfer successfully.
Need detailed printing of joblog using dspjoblog command. Prompt with F4 and change output to
*print to get details. Look for sharing errors or errors with subfile. Problem typically occurs in S36
mode. This is not an ETU problem but a system problem.
Make certain that the system defaults for the CRTPF have not been modified *NO for sharing.
CPF5035 Data mapping error on member XX”.
A data mapping error occurred on field &4 in record number &5, record format &7, member number
&8, in member &1 file &2 in library &3, because of error code &6. The error codes and their
meanings follow:
1 -- There is data in a decimal field that is not valid.
2 -- A significant digit was truncated.
3 -- A floating point value exceeded the maximum representable value.
4 -- A floating-point value was less than the minimum representable value.
5 -- A floating point value that is not a number could not be mapped from double to single
precision or from single to double precision.
6 -- A floating point value could not be mapped to packed decimal, zoned decimal, or binary.
8 -- A floating-point value that is not a number is not allowed as a key value.
9 -- Division by zero.
10 -- A partial binary key field could not be mapped. The length of the key did not include the
entire binary field.
11 -- A partial key field could not be mapped. The length of the key did not include the entire
binary, floating point, date, or timestamp field.
12 -- There is data in a DBCS field that is not valid.
13 -- Group by results could not be determined because no records were selected.
14 -- The length of a variable length field is not valid or the data in a substring variable is not
15 -- A date value is greater than the maximum allowed value.
16 -- A date value is less than the minimum allowed value.