C-14 December 1996 3360-A2-GB20-20
Table C-7
(2 of 3)
User Interface Configuration Options
Com Rate: 9.6
Next 1.2 2.4 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 38.4 Prev
Communication Port Rate. Configures the bit rate for the communication port.
1.2 – Sets the bit rate to 1200 bps.
2.4 – Sets the bit rate to 2400 bps.
4.8 – Sets the bit rate to 4800 bps.
9.6 – Sets the bit rate to 9600 bps.
14.4 – Sets the bit rate to 14,400 bps.
19.2 – Sets the bit rate to 19,200 bps.
38.4 – Sets the bit rate to 38,400 bps.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured for synchronous operation and
the clock source is external.
Char Length: 8
Next 7 8 Prev
Communication Port Character Length. Configures the character length (7 or 8 bits) for the communication port.
NOTE: This configuration option must be set to 8 if the communication port is used for Front Panel Emulation or SNMP
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured for synchronous operation.
CParity: None
Next None Even Odd Prev
Communication Port Parity. Configures the parity (none, even, or odd) for the communication port.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured for synchronous operation.
CStop Bits: 1
Next 1 1.5 2 Prev
Communication Port Stop Bits. Configures the number of stop bits (1, 1.5, or 2) for the communication port.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured for synchronous operation.