Glossary-2 December 1996 3360-A2-GB20-20
BNC Bayonet-Neill-Concelman. A bayonet-type connector for coaxial cables.
bps Bits per second. Indicates the speed at which bits are transmitted across a data
BPV Bipolar Violation. In a bipolar signal, a “one” (mark, pulse) which has the same
polarity as its predecessor.
byte A small group of bits (usually 8) that is handled as a unit of data.
CAS Channel-Associated Signaling. Time-slot 16 is reserved for signaling in a 16-frame
multiframe system. With the exception of time-slot 16, the other time slots do not
need to be directly connected as they are in Common-Channel Signaling (CCS).
CCITT The International Consultative Committee for Telegraphy and Telephony. (It is now
renamed as the ITU.)
CCS Common-Channel Signaling. Time-slot 16 is reserved for signaling in a 2-frame
multiframe system. The time slots must be directly connected so that the G.703
DS0 channels are connected to the corresponding network DS0 channels (e.g., D1
to N1, D2 to N2, etc.).
CD Carrier Detect. The received line signal detector. V.24 circuit 109.
CEPT The European Conference of Postal and Telegraph Authorities. A European
standards organization.
channel An independent data path.
channel allocation Assigning specific DS0 channels in the E1 NTU to specific interfaces (HDSL
Network, G.703 DTE, etc.).
CHAP Challenge Authentication Protocol.
character A letter, figure, number, punctuation, or other symbol.
CID branch Customer Identification branch or the E1 NTU menu tree.
client A device that receives a specific service, such as database management, from a
CLOCK IN interface The external clock interface on the E1 NTU.
ClrReg branch Clear Performance Registers branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
Cnfig branch Configuration branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
coaxial cable A transmission cable consisting of a conducting outer tube which encloses and is
insulated from an inner conducting core.
coding A technique used to accommodate the ones density requirements of E1 lines.
COMCODE A code used when ordering parts.
COM port The communications port on the E1 NTU.
community name An identification used by SNMP to grant an SNMP server access rights to a MIB.
configuration The arrangement of a system or network as defined by the characteristics of its
functional units.
configuration option Device firmware that establishes specific operating parameters for the device.
Sometimes referred to as straps.
control unit A unit that exerts control over another unit.
CPU fail Central Processing Unit failure. A Self-Test Health message indicating a failure in
the device’s central processing unit.