Glossary-8 December 1996 3360-A2-GB20-20
reset A reinitialization of the E1 NTU that occurs at power-up or in response to a reset
RFC Request for Comments. The set of documents that describes the standard
specifications for the TCP/IP protocol suite.
RIP Routing Information Protocol. A protocol used to add routes in the Internet.
RJ48C An 8-position modular connector.
RLB Repeater Loopback. Loops the signal being sent to the network back to the G.703
DTE and data ports after it has passed through the framing circuitry of the E1 NTU.
Rlpbk branch Remote Loopback branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
RMA Remote Multiframe Alarm. An indication of a Multiframe Alarm condition at a
remote location.
router A device that connects LAN segments.
RS-232 An EIA standard for a low-speed, 25-position, DCE/DTE interface.
RS-232-like MIB Defines objects for managing RS-232-type interfaces and supports synchronous
data ports and management communication ports on the E1 NTU.
RS-449 An EIA standard for a general-purpose, 37-position, DCE/DTE interface.
RTS Request-to-Send. V.24 circuit 105.
RX Receive. To obtain signals that have been transmitted.
RXC Receive Clock. V.24 circuit 115.
RXD Receive Data. V.24 circuit 104.
secondary clock The secondary clock source used to provide timing to the E1 NTU when the
primary clock fails.
self-test A test that checks most hardware components when power is applied to the device
or a reset is initiated.
server A device that offers a specific service, such as database management, to a client.
SES Severely Errored Seconds. For E1 data, seconds with 805 or more CRC errors or
errored frame alignment signals; or one or more LOS, AIS, or OOF events.
Set command (SNMP) Write access to SNMP MIB objects.
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol. A link layer protocol used by SNMP.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A generic network management system
that allows the device to be managed by any industry-standard SNMP manager.
Stat branch Status branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
STest branch Self Test Health branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
StEvnt Status Event Register. Records the occurrence of certain alarm conditions.
subnet An IP addressing standard in which a portion of the host address can be used to
create multiple network addresses that are logically a subdivision of the network
subnet mask An integer used with the IP address of the host to determine which bits in the host
address are used in the subnet address.
synchronous data Data transmission that is synchronized by timing signals. Characters are sent at a
fixed rate.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The dominant protocol in the
worldwide Internet.