Glossary-93360-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
time slot The allocated DS0 channel slot when DS0 channels are combined to form an
aggregate bit stream.
trap (SNMP) A notification message to the SNMP manager when an unusual event occurs on a
network device, such as a reinitialization.
tributary unit A unit that is under the control of another unit.
TStat branch Test Status branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
TS16 Time-slot 16. The time slot which may be reserved for signaling.
TX Transmit. To send signals from a device.
TXC Transmit Clock. V.24 circuit 114.
TXD Transmit Data. V.24 circuit 103.
UAS Unavailable Seconds. A count of 1-second intervals when service is unavailable.
UDP User Datagram Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol describing how messages reach
application programs within a destination computer.
UL Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. An organization which promotes product safety.
Vac Volts alternating current.
Vdc Volts direct current.
V.24 A CCITT standard for a low-speed, 25-position, DCE/DTE interface.
V.35 A CCITT standard for a high-speed, 34-position, DCE/DTE interface.
V.54 A CCITT standard for local and remote diagnostic loopback tests.
V.54 Loop 2 A CCITT standard for a data channel loopback (DCLB).
V.54 Loop 3 A CCITT standard for a data terminal loopback (DTLB).
WA N Wide Area Network. A network that spans a large geographic area (e.g., a country).
warmStart trap An SNMP trap that indicates that the device has reinitialized itself.
XTXC External Transmit Clock. V.24 circuit 113.
X.21 A CCITT standard for a high-speed, 15-position, DCE/DTE interface.
1in8 Test A test pattern consisting of a one (1) followed by seven zeros (on the network
2B1Q Two binary, one quaternary. A line coding technique that compresses two binary
bits of data into one time state as a four-level code.
511 Test A pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) that is 511 bits long (on the data ports
only). This is a PRBS 2
–1 test.
32767 Test A pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) that is 32,767 bits long (on the network
only). This is a PRBS 2
–1 test.