Glossary-6 December 1996 3360-A2-GB20-20
link trap A trap that identifies the condition of the communications interface (linkDown or
linkUp traps).
LLB Line Loopback. Loops the received signal on the network interface back to the
network without change.
local loop A twisted-wire-pair cable that connects the subscriber’s premises to the local
switching office.
LOF Loss Of Frame. The inability to maintain frame synchronization.
LOFC Loss Of Frame Count. A count of the number of LOFs declared.
loopback test A test that verifies a device’s operation by connecting the device’s output to the
device’s input.
LOS Loss Of Signal. The E1 line condition where there are no pulses.
Lpbk branch Local Loopback branch of the E1 NTU menu tree.
LQR Link Quality Reports.
LTU Line Termination Unit. The control unit on the network end of an HDSL link. (The
NTU is on the customer end.)
manager (SNMP) The device that queries agents for management information, or receives unsolicited
messages (traps) indicating the occurrence of specific events.
MB Megabytes. A unit of memory measurement equal to approximately one million
bytes (typically 1,048,576 bytes).
Mbps Megabits per second (million bits per second).
menu tree A display of E1 NTU functions that are accessed by selecting various branches
(Status, Test, etc.).
MFA Multiframe Alarm. A condition in which two consecutive multiframe alignment
signals are received in error.
MIB Management Information Base. A database of managed objects used by SNMP to
provide network management information.
MIB II MIB Release 2. The current Internet-standard MIB.
MRU Maximum Request Unit.
module A compact assembly functioning as a component in a larger system or unit.
multiframe An ordered, functional sequence of frames on a multiplexed digital circuit.
multiplex To interleave or simultaneously transmit two or more messages on a single circuit.
network A configuration of data processing devices for information exchange.
network interface The HDSL Network interface connector on the rear panel of the E1 NTU.
NMS Network Management System. A computer system used for monitoring and
controlling network devices.
node A connection or switching point on the network.
NTU Network Termination Unit. The tributary unit on the customer end of an HDSL
link. (The LTU is on the network end.)
object (SNMP) A specific item within a Management Information Base (MIB).
OOF Out Of Frame. An error condition in which frame synchronization bits are in error.
option A hardware or software function that can be selected or enabled as part of a
configuration process.
PAP Password Authentication Protocol.