vii3980-A2-GB30-40 October 1998
Objectives and Reader
This manual describes how to install and operate the
3810Plus (standalone) and 3811Plus (carrier-mounted)
modems. The reader is assumed to have a basic
understanding of modems and their operation.
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 1 provides information about the features of
3800Plus modems.
Chapter 2 provides instructions for installing 3810Plus
Chapter 3 provides instructions for installing 3811Plus
Chapter 4 provides the information required to operate
the Model 3810Plus using the front panel and the Model
3811Plus using the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier’s
shared diagnostic control panel (SDCP).
Chapters 5 through 11 describe the seven branches of
the front panel command sets:
• Chapter 5 describes the Call Setup branch.
• Chapter 6 describes the Status branch.
• Chapter 7 describes the Test branch.
• Chapter 8 describes the Configure branch.
• Chapter 9 describes the Control branch.
• Chapter 10 describes the Remote branch.
• Chapter 11 describes the Security branch.
Chapter 12 provides general information about
operating 3800Plus modems in fax mode.
Chapter 13 provides instructions for displaying and
changing AT commands and S-Registers.
Appendix A provides a menu tree for 3800Plus
Appendix B provides a list and description of result
codes issued by 3800Plus modems.
Appendix C provides instructions for performing
diagnostic tests when data communications problems
Appendix D provides technical specifications for
3800Plus modems.
Appendix E provides EIA RS-232 and VF TELCO pin
assignments, and auxiliary cable diagrams.
Appendix F provides V.25bis dialing information.
Appendix G provides a list of all default configuration
options available for the four non-cellular factory preset
configurations: Async Dial, Sync Dial, Sync Leased, and
UNIX Dial.
Appendix H is an equipment list for 3800Plus
modems, including optional features and cables.
Appendix I describes the Synchronous Data
Compression (SDC) feature.
The Glossary provides a description of terms used
throughout this manual.