Status Branch
6-33980-A2-GB30-40 October 1998
Identity displays the modem’s serial number, model
number, firmware revision level, hardware part number
and firmware part number. Retrieval of this information is
useful if you are purchasing additional or replacement
modems and/or making firmware upgrades.
To access Identity from the Status branch, make the
following selection:
VF Identity
Select Identity.
Status : Identity >
Ser # = 00000000
The modem’s serial number is displayed on the LCD’s
bottom line. Press the
key to scroll and view the
model number, firmware revision level, hardware part
number, and firmware part number.
Ser # Serial number is an 8-digit number that
identifies the modem.
Mod # Model number is an alphanumeric
number that identifies the modem as
either a 3810Plus modem (if the model
number begins with 3980) or a
3811Plus modem (if the model number
begins with 3981).
FRev Firmware revision level is an
alphanumeric number that identifies the
level of firmware loaded in the modem.
HPt # Hardware part number is an 11-digit
number that identifies the circuit card in
the modem.
FPt # Firmware part number is an 11-digit
number that identifies to service
personnel the firmware release number.
To exit this function and remain in the Status branch,
press the
key. To exit and return to the Top-Level
menu, press the key.
AT Command Equivalent
The AT command I0 displays the product code,
normally 144.
The AT command I1 displays an abbreviated firmware
revision number.
The AT command I2 performs an EPROM check and
displays OK or Error.
The AT command I3 displays the modem’s serial
The AT command I4 displays the modem’s model
The AT command I5 displays the part number of the
circuit card.
The AT command I6 displays the firmware release
The AT command I9 displays the firmware revision
number (same as I1).
The AT command I10 alters the value of the product
code displayed with the I0 command. See Chapter 13 for
more information about the I0 command.
The AT command I11 performs a checksum of the
modem’s firmware and displays the results in
hexadecimal. (There is no DCP equivalent of this
The AT command I19 displays the firmware revision